XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference, June 26-July 1, 2018

Conference App

Conference app

The Sunbelt 2018 Conference App is now available to download! Please make sure you have downloaded the app before the conference.

Click on this link to download the app or search for Congress by design in the App Store or Google Play. Please download the Congress by design app, which contains the Sunbelt 2018 app. Please log in with the e-mail address and last name used for your conference registration.

The application offers an overview of the conference program, the speakers, all delegates, and the latest news from before, during and after the conference!

The app is designed to enhance your conference experience. Useful information for Sunbelt 2018 delegates is available in this app, such as the scientific program, speakers, abstracts and general information. Please visit our website for more information on how to download the app. We strongly advise you to download the app beforehand and check the general information sections for useful practical information.